The PLANES Lab advances ecosystem services knowledge to improve real-life decisions, with a focus on urban and spatial planning, climate policies and environmental design. Our research is grounded in sustainability science and brings together different fields, such as landscape ecology, planning theory, spatial analysis and impact assessment theory and practice. We love inter-disciplinary and empirical research.
Our research lines include: nature-based solutions for biodiverse, healthy and equitable cities and landscapes; ecosystem service assessment for land-use decisions; climate adaptation planning; transfer of development rights; Environmental Impact Assessment; multicriteria analysis and interactive technology for participatory planning.Our current study areas range from European cities to Alpine nature parks, and from temperate regions in South-America to urban watersheds in the Horn of Africa and landscapes/seascapes in the EU Overseas. In these areas we address a variety of challenges, including climate change, nature conservation, urban sprawl, urban regeneration, tourism development, and infrastructure siting.

Davide Geneletti
via Mesiano, 77 I-38123 Trento, Italy
Phone: +39 0461 282685